Custom Diesel Generators
PDG can provide the perfect custom diesel generator solution for your power needs!
At PDG Power, we do more than just manufacture and distribute custom generators. We look at each client’s application challenges and provide the best custom designed solution in the shortest lead time possible. Whether it's making minor customizations to an existing generator, or custom-engineering a one off electric-hydraulic power system for lithium mining, PDG can provide the power solution you need for your specific application.
Our R&D team will work with your team to design and manufacture a unique power solution that will meet the needs of your specific application. Our team will also provide the training and assistance your team needs as you roll out your new custom generators!
We love to collaborate when engineering new and custom products — Our engineers will work directly with you and/or your application engineers throughout the process. To make sure everyone is on the same page, we’ll obtain information from your team concerning your application and its challenges. This will help us gain a holistic understanding of your needs before launching full-speed into developing solutions.
See a few of our recent custom engineered diesel generator projects below:
Custom Generator Projects By Powerhouse Diesel Generators

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When only the most rugged, clean power will suffice. The new TaylorMade™ Touring Rig is powered exclusively by a custom generator from PDG™ See the truck here TaylorMade™ Touring Rig

A Custom Built PDG Generator Selected To Power Andretti Racing

Custom diesel generators for the mining and crushing industries

Mobile LED trucks powered by custom generators

Recent NASA project was in need of a custom generator

Food trucks require custom built generators to maximize power with minimal space.